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Вспомнить все / Total recall, site specific installation, video mapping, 2015


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Wall-paper was the constant companion of the Soviet person throughout all its life. The walls in most living spaces in former USSR were decorated by wall-paper. Often wall-paper didn't change for years and happened that the person grew up in one and same decorative motive. The "Total recall" project is directed on creation of an emotional atmosphere, kind of condition of "rhythmic" reminiscence. It occurs by visual emergence and destruction of decorative motives of attendees in its memory.
For creating video footage used the collection of wall-paper made in USSR at 50-80 years of 20 century. The project is going to be realized in the form of a video mapping in exposition space with projection on the existing elements of constructions of interior and specially built volumes.

Works by Dmitry Bulnygin reflect the technology used to create them, whether that is computer game programming or mapping. In Total Recall the mapping this artist already experimented with in public-art projects allows him to work in a novel way with ornamental patterns he finds in his surroundings, weaving them into an entirely new social fabric. The visualisation of Total Recall is based on the design of familiar Soviet wallpapers, decoration that formed a background for the life of several generations, that lasted through its own historic epoch and now lives out its final days in apartments and dachas – or, for those who never lived in a Soviet interior, that continues to exist as an image occasionally glimpsed, emerging from our cultural memory. By subjecting this pattern to endless rhythmical destruction / reconstruction Bulnygin creates a space that pulsates like memory itself – simultaneously both material and ephemeral. (Anna Zaitseva)